Asia’s Premier Watch Specialist, Sincere Fine Watches, recently launched the next instalment of the well-received 100 Masterpieces with Breguet, showcasing 100 Masterpieces from the brand on the evening of 31 May 2018. The success of the 100 Tourbillons in the year 2013 followed by the 100 Complications in 2015 inspired Sincere Fine Watches to begin a tradition of amassing and showcasing a hundred exceptional timepieces in one location.
This year, Sincere Fine Watches is delighted to kickstart the mono brand series of the 100 Masterpiece exhibition with Breguet. The brand holds a special place in our cultural heritage because its founder, Abraham-Louis Breguet (1747-1823), set the standard by which all fine watchmaking has since been judged. The brand is also recognised as a pioneer of numerous technologies and complications such as the tourbillon, invented by Abraham-Louis Breguet in 1801. The capacity to innovate reflects a brand’s vitality. Breguet’s creativity and ingenuity have not dwindled over time. On the contrary, the brand continued to revolutionise various aspects of Haute Horlogerie today.
In conjunction with the launch of the 100 Masterpieces exhibition, an exclusive cocktail party was hosted by Mr. Ong Ban, CEO of Sincere Fine Watches as well as Mr. Fabien Levrion, Vice President of Breguet SEA. Upon entering our flagship store, our guests were greeted by the dynamic layout plastered on our window façade featuring key highlights of the brand.
Guests marvelled over the 100 timepieces from Breguet on display which include old pocket watches from the brand’s archives, had conversation with like-minded fans of the brand and mingled over champagne and canapés.
An exclusive get-to-together co-hosted with Singapore Watch Club was also held on 1 June 2018. That evening; the lush boutique was filled with Breguet aficionado, passionate about the art of horology. Mr. Fabien Levrion, Vice President of Breguet SEA engaged the club members with a Q&A session and shared the story and craftsmanship behind each exquisite timepiece.
As a purveyor of Breguet, Sincere Fine Watches celebrate the successful journey by paying tribute to ground-breaking complications and refined design that continue to fascinate and inspire watchmakers and collectors today. By gathering some of the world’s finest pieces by a single brand in one location, we bring craftsmanship of excellence accessible to the public, and hopefully inspire and cultivate an appreciation for watchmaking amongst the public.
The 100 Masterpieces exhibition with Breguet was held across two weeks, from 31 May 2018 to 13 June 2018 at Sincere Fine Watches flagship boutique, Takashimaya Shopping Centre #01-12.